Bonsall Land for Sale
You waited too long... we sold this one... but
we now have the 11.9 Acres to the North of it listed..... see it at
Terri and Paul Guess
"Under all is the land"... from the preamble of the
"Code of ethics and Standards of Practice" of the National Association
of Realtors... drives home the fact that the highest and best use of Land...
is at the heart of the "Demand and Supply" basis for a free economy.
The old adage "Location... Location... Location" is another way of saying
the same. If you were going to build a dream estate in Southern California
today... this 5.01 Acre chunk of paradise could be the foundation.
Demonstrating the Principle of Conformity... you could build a multi million
dollar... sprawling estate... and not be close to the most expensive home
in the area. Weather... absolutely the finest sub tropical climate
in North America... enjoying daily cool Ocean breezes in the Summer...
and warming Ocean breezes in the Winter. Views... Panoramic in a
180 degree sweep to the South. The Sound... Owls... Cooper Hawks...
Red-tailed Hawks... Crows... Mockingbirds... and Hummingbirds. The
smell... fragrant citrus blossoms. The Antithesis of the 21st Century...
and the experience in one word.... Paradise
Here for a Virtual tour of the property and more information

Well...when buying a building site... or raw land...
one of the first concerns is Ingress and Egress. How do you get in
and out? This is what it looks like... broad... relatively flat... undulating
paved access... far back off of Camino Del Rey... to isolate from the possibility
of road noise. At the end of the private street "Virgin Islands Road"...
a wide turn-around...the kind that County Planners and Fire Departments
like... and granting a curb appeal access... that suggests and provides
a hidden gem. The spacious cleared area... rambling up the hill...
at the left center of the above photograph is the subject parcel.
While surrounded by Avocado groves... this might be the perfect spot for
the next California Winning Cabernet Vineyard.

The drive is blocked to access with a chain barrier.
There is a Sentrilock lock box to open this access gate...and 800+ foot
long undulating drive is graded nicely... and easily passable with the
finest of luxury cars. If you are visiting with your realtor... please
have them open the lock box and take you to the top...and the two lovely
building pads... the views are breathtaking... and you cannot appreciate
this lot without seeing them. If your realtor is not a member of
Sandicor... please have them contact us for a code to open this lockbox.
The tire tracks on the ridge to the left of the principal drive... are
not a good way to access the building site at the top. If you have
ever looked at raw land in Southern California before... you will notice...
this is cleared.... this is not a fire hazard... this is ready to build.

About 1/2 of the way to the top... the drive switches
back over this quaint rock bridge... with excellent control of the seasonal
runoff already provided for. This is not raw land... this is an excellent
building site... with all the preparation and planning already in place.
And... when you get up to the pad areas... here is the view down the lot...
to the wide... convenient cul-de-sac... and just a hint of the stunning
views to be enjoyed. Rainbow Water District water meter... already
in place. SDG&E Electrical easements... three options... already
in place. Waste disposal... the property has already perked for a
Septic System.... and the predominant Decomposed Granite soil ... allows
for your dream home... to be as large as your dreams.
Here for another page of information on this Bonsall Land for Sale
Seller will entertain offers in a range of $475,000
to $524,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 080059738 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at Listing
# T08123593 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
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