Bonsall Land for Sale
This is the view of the parcel... from the South of
it... Looking North... across
Moosa Canyon... and taken from
Hialeah Estates.
Essentially all of the cleared area between the groves and the brush...
comprise the subject parcel... and you can see the wonderful driveway on
the very right side of the photo. Above the parcel... Groves and
estates accessed off of Lilac Road... and below... world class Horse Facilities...
and wonderful
Saratoga Estates. In the distance... the relay towers
atop Mt. Toyon... and beyond... yet close... the
Temecula Wine County.
But in the center... the subject... a sloping hillside location... with
excellent pads... excellent drainage... and the ability to sluff off the
seldom... but deadly cold Winter snaps... and plant killing cold air pockets.
Click here for a Virtual Tour of this Bonsall Land for Sale

When you get up on top... Surprise... it is quite flat.
Plenty of options on where to place a home... garage... drives... guest
home... pool... all of the elements that an estate in
Bonsall should incorporate.
And... for the first time... you see what the neighborhood looks like...
very nice :-) The second photo above is of just over 30 ...
36" boxed
fruit trees that do convey. They are currently on a drip irrigation
system... and while not planted... already are providing a bumper crop
of tasty citrus. This view of the pad where the trees and travel trailer
are... is taken from the primary house pad above. This would be the
ideal location for Guest home... Garages... or possible Pool or Tennis
Courts. Behind the trees... a shot of the South View toward
Estate... Toscana... and Moody Creek Farm.
Another reason for the excellent value of this location is excellent Schools.
The Bonsall Union School District is
dedicated to excellent in Education. Serving this site would be
Bonsall Elementary...
Sullivan Middle
School... and Sports Powerhouse
Fallbrook High School... Home of the Warriors.

These two shots are taken from the lower pad as well...
just at the North end of the fruit trees. The first... on the left
above is looking back to the Northeast... and up to the primary house pad
above. You can see the edge of the cut line running at an angle below
the hillside and Avocados in the background. This primary pad could
be cut about 4-5' lower... and expanded out to create an appealing space
for the largest of single story residences. It would be easy too...
to create a pad for a residence... and the ultimate spot for a horizon
edge pool to best use the panoramic views. The second photo above...
on the right is taken from the same spot... but looking Southwest.
One of the three possible routes for
SDG&E access... and one of two
with recorded easements is up through this
barranca from Camino Del Rey
just on the other side of the neighbor. Above this draw... in the
rocks in the distance is the recently surveyed and marked Southwest corner
of the parcel. A second recorded easement exists across this neighboring
parcel... just to the left of the small outbuilding seen.

The two photos above were taken from the lower pad as
well... with a telephoto lens to capture two more corners. The first
Photo on the left shows the Northwest corner... surveyed... marked... and
fence staked. There is a tall white pvc pipe sticking up for visibility.
The second photo on the right... shows the entry area below ... at the
Cul-de-Sac... and the corner here is right at the neighbors pilaster for
his entry gate. From this proposed entry gate area to the lower pad
is approximately 800' of gently graded excellent drive. The width
available both in the Cul-de-Sac and the drive footprint will allow for
North County Fire District approved access. The parcel does not have
a real street address as of yet. We created the
6899 Virgin Islands
Drive address from GPS mapping so that the location could be found on Internet
marketing. The actual street number is unknown at this time..

One more corner... the first photo above... showing the
Northeast corner... again surveyed... marked... fence staked... and made
visible with the white pvc pipe. Past that corner you see the Neighbor's
Beautiful Hacienda... and then again in the second photo... with a more
close-up view. Location... Location... Location... You could not
possibly overbuild for this site. And... the opportunity to acquire
this quality of an investment is only due to the current market conditions.
This is proof positive that now is the time to buy in San Diego County.
The current owner paid $575,000 for this just two years ago... and has
put another $75,000 into the land. Now their plans have changed...
they are going a different direction... and this opportunity has become
available. Parcels of land like this... seldom become available...
in any market. The chance to buy one in the best buyer's market we
have ever seen... awaits.
here to see more information on this Bonsall Land for Sale
Offered at the Incredible Price of $399,500
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 7030 Avenida Encinas,
Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92011.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 090011995 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at
# T09023287 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
California Brokers Lic # 01127312
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