Bonsall Land for Sale
Here is where the sun will rise on your
Bonsall Estate.
Looking Southeast through
Moosa Canyon... over
Moosa Creek... and through
Weather Paradise Bonsall Groves... Serene... Peaceful... Quiet... yet amazingly
convenient. Hidden in the valleys up this canyon... is the
I-15 Access... just three miles distant. To the North...
Shopping... Temecula Wine Country...
Temecula Golf. Within a five
mile circle... "Castle Creek Golf Course"....
"Vista Valley Country Club"...
"Cal-a-Vie Spa"...
"San Luis Rey Downs
Golf - Tennis Resort & Country Club"...
"The Golf Club
of California".... and "The Fallbrook Golf Club". Just 15 minutes
South on I-15... Beautiful Escondido... with the
largest Mall in North
San Diego County... and wonderful Restaurants and
Services. Turn
100 degrees or so to the right... and 13 miles away is the
Beach at
with convenient
Highway 76 access. Just three miles away...
Post Office... Dining... River Center... Downtown Bonsall :-)
Click here for a
Virtual Tour of this Bonsall Land for Sale

Bonsall is rich in
History... from the early Bonsall
School House... to the more modern Tycoons and Developers.
C. Arnholt Smith... brought San Diego the
Padres... and
John Alessio... remodeled the
Hotel Del Coronado... and brought us
A's".... and together the
Mad Men of San Diego conceived Bonsall... as
the ultimate Residential Destination for the Wealthy of the World.
In the 1960's... undeveloped land was plentiful... Bonsall was remote...
with unlimited resources... and with the world to choose from...
represented the finest. It still does. The choice then....
as today... has more to do with
Micro Climate
(click on Zone 23) than anything else.
Today... it is not remote... but it is still
Rural... it is still the anti-thesis
to Density in Residential Planning. With it's interesting ties to
San Diego Political and Business History... it like it's Sister Community..
Rancho Santa Fe... is home to the Mad Men of today. The difference
between Bonsall... and
Rancho Santa Fe? Bonsall provides a better
quality of life... at a fraction of the price.

One of the safest investments... is a less expensive
home... in a more expensive neighborhood. This is safe! Get
a great Architect... our favorite
Beery Group, Inc.... Get a great
Architect our favorites are
Steve Hare and
Bruce Dugmore... and get to work.
This could be the opportunity you have been waiting for... the "Perfect
Storm" of Buyer's Market... Seller Motivation... and Incredible Location.
But... it is not just about an investment. It will be the site of
a "Dream Home". The experience of living here will be the true reward.
Quiet and Solitude are difficult qualities to find... here they are.
The sound of Nature... Birds of Prey...
Owls... will be
your only noise pollution. The feeling of Remoteness... yet
convenient to all... here it is. The smell of
Citrus Blossoms and
Cooling Ocean Breezes... Daily. In the Winter... the warming Ocean
Breezes and "cold draining" hillsides will minimize the risk of Frost Damage.
The panoramic views are soothing and relaxing. The almost daily visit
of Kites...
Hawks and
Eagles will be exhilarating. If there is a
taste... the taste of Bonsall would be
Fresh Guacamole...
Fresh Orange
Juice... warm weather Apples...
Tomatoes... Sweet Corn...
Strawberries... because.... with
Decomposed Granite
soil... Fertilizer... and
Water... you can grow anything.

One more view over wonderful
Saratoga Estates with it's
six miles of dedicated Horse Trails. What a great neighbor.
This wonderful Estate Site also is in the middle of the proposed
San Luis
Rey River Park... so the likelihood of over 15 miles of dedicated mixed
use trails is almost certain. While not the typical... flat parcel
for horses... this is Horse Paradise as well. The lower pad has ample
room for barns and an arena. The sloping hillsides could be an amazingly
beautifully pasture.... and right down the road... famous
San Luis Rey
Downs Training Center... and the
"Udder Feed Store". The second photo
above shows the 1"
Rainbow Water District Back Flow device... with meter
already set... and sprinklers in operation. Saving thousands of dollars
this is not the only potential source of water though. There are
two wells on the property. The property has been surveyed... all
corners marked... and the entire perimeter is fence staked.

The two photos above show the two wells on the property.
One... low on the site next to the drive gate location is shown in the
first photo... and the other... approximately 1/2 the way up the beautiful
drive... is shown in the second photo on the right... next to the stone
bridge. This is not raw land. There is already in place a municipal
water system... and multiple choices for other sources. The wells
have not been used in years... were represented as flowing well... but
being higher in Sodium than usually desirable. That Sodium content
in the wells is common to this area... but a
lesser problem for Cabernet Grapes...
now commonly showing up in new Vineyards in the area. Notice too
the bridge. This seasonal stream is a treasure that has been planned
for and taken into account both for access ease... and erosion control.
Excellent drainage is already in place. If you've looked at Rural
Estate Home sites before... you will notice another thing. This is
cleared. This is not a fire trap. This
Bonsall Land for Sale...
is absolutely an amazing opportunity.
Offered at the Incredible Price of $399,500
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 7030 Avenida Encinas,
Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92011.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 090011995 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at
# T09023287 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
California Brokers Lic # 01127312
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