Bonsall Real Estate
King of the Mt... in Hialeah Estates

I've never had anyone that said I
don't want a view. I've never had any buyer tell me that they don't want
to live on top of the hill. Well if this was
Wyoming... it would be windy.
But this is Weather Paradise Bonsall.. :-) What's not to like about being
the King of the Hill? Here we see some of the extensive Hardscape... and
begin to see some of the exotic plantings. This is like owning you own
Jurassic Park. For 2.99 acres... this is surprisingly low maintenance.
Fully Sprinkled and served by Rainbow Water... the owner has not only enjoyed a
very profitable grove... consistently... but has been able to do so within the
new guidelines of Rainbow Water. Notice the flag pole...
Stars and
Stripes... and Homeland Ireland
Tricolor... it just doesn't get any better.

There is a reason why we call these
"Birds of Paradise"...
and they are well named. In addition to the 168 Avocado Trees... (seen
behind the Bird of Pardise) there are over 100 exotic plants on the
estate. But let's tell you about the grove. In 2008 the grove
yielded 40,497 pounds of Haas Avocados. This was a gross income of $31,427
to the owner... and after writing off labor... taxes... water... fertilizer...
grove management... the owner had a net taxable income of $23,933 reported on a
schedule F. Now the current owner has depleted all depreciation... so that
was truly taxable income. But a new owner could write off the value of the
trees for 10 years... the value of fencing... sprinklers... grove roads... etc
for 7 years. So for a new owner... the taxable income would be less...
real cash flow income would depend on crops and market. But in 2003
the net to the owner was $54,396... NET she bought two new
cars. 2005 was $8,888 NET. 2006 was $13,437
NET. And 2007... the worst year $3,552 NET INCOME.
If you have 2.99 Acres of grass... you would have a water bill greater
than this grove... that has averaged around $3,600 per year... but you could not
write it off... and then generate thousands of dollars of income. This is
a healthy... producing grove! In the second photo above notice the
Palms... and the Dragon Tree.
Most of the exotics in this yard... would be house plants in most of the world.

In some areas... this looks more like an exotic
nursery more than a residence. You will find
"Cycas revoluta"
(the one shown here below the deck)... commonly called a Sago Palm and
moorel" from Queensland Australia. There are many many
recurvata"... commonly called Bottle Palms... or Pony Tails. There
are several Mexican Grass Palm's or
"Nolina longifolia". As seen
in the first photo above... are several
"Dioon edule" or Mexican Sago's
that are a more tender Cycad that is seldom sold. You will find
rupicola" or Cliff Date Palms... and you will find an absolutely amazing
draco" or Dragon Tree (pictured above to the right of the Bird of
Paradise). And of course... Family Fruit...
Black Mission
Fig, Apricots... and more

These last two photos are not very glamorous... but they
show design and function. The first photo above is the spur off of the
wide circular drive... that can be used as an RV parking pad. Originally
there was a small barn down here with a coral... and the parcel is legal for up
to four horses. The second photo shows the
fertilizer injection area of
the Sprinkler system. This grove is well laid out... to minimize labor...
and maximize production. So there is a lot to see... and the views are
worth the trip. Call us today for an appointment to see this wonderful
piece of Bonsall Real Estate.
Call now 760-639-4663... or email at:
Seller will entertain offers in a range of $1,000,000
to $1,150,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 090001515 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at
# T09002847 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
California Broker Lic: 01127312
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