Brookhill Estates Beauty
2095 Kristi Court - Brookhill's Finest!
SOLD! The most expensive
home sold prior to our efforts in Brook Hills was $1,310,000... 5,328 sq.
ft @ $245.87 per ft. Our listing $1,350,000... 3,705 sq. ft @ $364.37
per sq. ft... a 48% differential in a homogeneous community within the
same month. Truly the first re-sale home in Brook Hills that got
the price it deserved!
Here for Homes Currently for Sale
Single Story, View, Private, Quiet, 2 + useable flat
acres, five car garage, RV Parking, Pool, Secure gated community, Tennis,
Every amenity imaginable, your own Private Golf Course, two Guest
Car Ports, Car Wash Pad, Room for planned guest home, $300K+ of Landscape
and Hardscape... and over $100K in Exterior Lighting and Mechanical.
Now...we often have properties that have some of these attributes... but
never before have we had one that has them all. Perfect Condition...
and spotless! All sitting on "Brookhill
Estates' " finest... largest... and most secluded "Cul
de Sac" Lot. This is Paradise! And it's on the market
today... for less than replacement cost!

The pool area above is a private walled enclave off of
the master Suite & Retreat. Secure access insures no chance of
children wondering in. Total privacy is insured by the elegant garden
wall and romantic mood setting is created by the fiber optic lighting in
both waterfall and Pool. Exercise year round with the dual nozzle
Swim Jet Exercise System and the Navigator Pool Sweep will
keep the sparkling Gemstone Finished pool looking like the treasure it
is! Tile work, finish work, landscape & hardscape... the best
of design thought... combined with the finest of materials... and perfectly
maintained ... waiting for you. The other photo above shows the second
"Play Feature of the Home". Your own... Private Home Golf Course.
Two Elevated Tees.. the view here from Tee One... two sand traps... one
off of each fairway... and a six hole professional (PGA Rated 12) green.
(Just like the one Tiger has in his back yard) The synthetic "One
Putt Greens" beauty is "No Maintenance" ... and lighted for
night play. Water hazard ... of course... in fact the first ball
hit by the owner found the water hazard... but that spell has been broken.
Even if you are not a golfer... this is beautiful... low maintenance...
and fun. You will know immediately... which of your friends are golfers.
And.. they will love the guest bedrooms... oversized... beautifully decorated...
each a separate suite... and golf course views!
Here to Enjoy a Virtual Tour of this Brookhill Estates Beauty

This is truly a spectacular floorplan that takes into account where
all parties end up... the kitchen. The first photo above shows the
living room fireplace that flows through the wall into the spacious gourmet
kitchen of dreams. A Ceramic gas log creates the romantic moods without
the fuss and mess of ashes or wood requirements... but real wood may be
used if desired. Plantation Shutters open through hidden disappearing
screens to the outside entertainment area.. but we'll cover that later.
Step into the kitchen through one of two wide arched passages.. and here
is the rich warm elegantly appointed "Party Central"! Granite counters
and full wall splash backs, Upgraded Euro-Style Maple Mocha Cabinetry with
matching panels on the top of the line KitchenAid Appliances, double ovens,
built-in microwave, 48" Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer, compactor ,
Reverse Osmosis filtered water, Center Island with sink... and all ...
spotless! Better than New!

Recessed canned lighting and the first of eight ... top of the line...
"Casablanca BelAir Series" decorator fans... with wall-mount multi switches...
views to the outside gourmet kitchen and golf... plus the house command
center with Cat-5 Wiring... and control center for the Nutone Intercom/Music
system that covers every room in the home.. + the garage...+ the Patio
and outside entertainment area. Dual zoned heating and Air Conditioning...
the fans... and thermopane windows insure comfort in all weather... but
this is weather paradise. So... windows and french doors abound.
The ideal climate
for growing... this semi
tropical micro climate will amaze you. Ocean breezes daily...
you might turn on the Air a couple of times per year. Every comfort
issue has been addressed... this exemplifies "Move In Condition".
Here for Another Full Page of Photos, Links and Property Information
This home is offered in Prudential California Realty's
Value Range Marketing. The Seller will Entertain offers in a range
of $1,300,000 to $1,499,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
527 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 051009770
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E-Mail Terri and Paul Guess