Views are a funny thing. Some people won't buy
a home without one. Some people say they don't care. In 24
years as a Real Estate Broker... I've never heard "I don't want one"...
and every home with a view... sells at a premium due to it. You have
more Space... You have more Privacy... You have more Solitude. It
can be the antithesis to 21st Century Hustle Bustle and Crowding.
You will experience Nature. You will experience in this location
actually having better Weather due to the proximity of the Coast.
But... in the view... You will actually Experience Weather. Clouds...
Sunsets... Slating Rain... Driving Rain... Slanting Rays of Light... Changing
colors of the water... it is amazing... it is thrilling... but never boring.
You will often take it for granted when you have one... but having lived
in a home with one... you will never again do without one. This is
an Ocean View... and you don't have to know where to stand to see it...
Click Here for a comprehensive Virtual Tour of the Property with much additional

Ocean Horizon Sunsets... Red Sky at Night... Sailor's
Delight. Twinkling evening light in the foreground... you should
see it on a full moon. You will never tire of this view. It
will lower your blood pressure. In the Winter Months... when it is
cooler... and Lower Humidity... The white Cliffs on the South end of Catalina
Island... 27- 30 miles distant will be visible in the view.
Water Spout or shipping activity... grab the binoculars. Here is
a small fishing boat off of Carlsbad... you should see the mammoth Cruise
Ships. The North Horizon... Saddleback in Orange County...
and the Mountains of Camp Pendleton. And... as everyone that really
understands San Diego County Weather will tell you... it's about Micro
Climates. Here you are ten minutes from Surfing... yet
in the early Spring and Summer... when we have clouds from a Marine Layer...
this home gets the sunshine earlier. We do have four Season... we
just don't have Snow :-) ... so come on out... and leave the shovel at

There is another thing in this view that until you've
lived here... you would not give any value to. Notice the huge greenbelt
of Coast Shrub. You will never have a neighbor behind you... or between
you and the Lagoon. What you will have is an incredible birding experience.
Put up a "Black Oiled Sunflower" feeder... a "Thistle" feeder... a "Hummingbird"
feeder... and a mixed "Songbird" feeder ad a bird bath... and Stand Back.
On the feeders will be House
Finches, Scrub
Jays, Black-headed
Grosbeaks, Goldfinches,
and Roufous
Hummingbirds. On the ground will be California
Quail, Mourning
Dove, and California
Brown Towhee. Drinking out of the pool on the fly will
be Black
Phoebe. And the marine birds... you are looking down
on a Bird Preserve for Least
Tern, Great
Egrets, Western
Snowy Plovers, Mallards,
Blue Heron and a variety of Seagulls.
This is a birder's paradise. The sound... not silence... but a symphony
of nature... with an occasional nighttime Coyote
Performance. You should probably learn where the Wild
Birds Unlimited Store is :-)

So... it's not just a view... it's a life experience
that is sensory in every way. You can see it... feel it... hear it...
touch it... taste it... and the sixth sense... You know you will enjoy
it. Glancing out over the Outdoor Cook Center... and the balcony
above the Pool... you get a feel for how large this experience is... yes
I shot that one with a really wide angle lens.. :-)... but notice what
you don't see or hear... Neighbors behind you. Want to really relax...
go upstairs to the Master Retreat... start a cozy fire... fill up the Hydromax
Aeromax Spa Tub... turn on the bubbles... pour yourself a glass of wine...
hop in and relax. You certainly don't have to worry about window
coverings... and the view is outstanding. This isn't just a great
financial investment... in this spectacular buyers market... it is an investment
in quality of life. Invest to make yours better.
here to visit the Fourth Page of Information on this Lovely Home
This home is offered in Prudential California Realty's
Value Range Marketing. The Seller will Entertain offers in a range
of $1,050,000 to $1,300,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
527 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 071088751
We are also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the
realtors in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties
at Listing
# T07165050 This extra effort and marketing investment Doubles
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