Fallbrook Real Estate
It just Doesn't get any Better than this...
Brook Hills Estates is one of the Finest Master Planned
Communities in Southern California. 74 Lucky Residents... Gated...
Quiet... 2 Acre or larger parcels... Weather Paradise... Private
Tennis Courts... jogging and walking trails... It just doesn't get
any better than this. This Brook Hills Residence one of the earlier...
prime lots sold... was built in 2,000. And immediately the landscaping
was taken into consideration ... to create the curbside appeal that is
so evident. Mature trees... including not just the two featured earlier...
but glancing around the front yard you will see Liquidambar...
Black Pine... Aleppo
Pines... Ficus
Nitida... and a multitude of shrubs and ornamentals... Sub Tropical...
Plush and Inviting. This particular lot was chosen for it's
Privacy... and View. The Plantings chose add to the Privacy... the
charm... the appeal... and have been chosen too... to accent and shape
the view.
Click Here for a comprehensive Virtual Tour of the Property with much additional

The entire East Face of the home is Patios... Shaded...
Cooled by Ocean Breezes... Panoramic Views in all Directions... and not
a neighbor in site. Low voltage lighting makes the evening experience
unforgettable as well. Designer Ceiling Fans to provide additional
cooling on the hottest of days... but the Micro
Climate will amaze you. Outside Cook Center...
of course! Below... just out of the view... the fenced and gated
Grove. These patios are accessed by an Elegant Double French Door
in the Formal Living Room... a walk door in the Family Room.... viewed
through the East Window Wall of the home... in the Master... Formal Living...
Kitchen... and Family Room... and even a walk door and doggie door from
one of two oversized garages. Tropical Plantings insure year round color...
and peeking over the wall there... above the Grove is a Matilija
Poppy... that has just come into season.
Here for a separate Virtual tour of the Spectacular Clubhouse... Tennis
Courts and Common Facilities

East facing... for Cool Summer Afternoons under the Shaded
Patios... and amazing panoramic views to Mt. Palomar and beyond.
The view to the Southeast... the San Luis Rey River Valley the source of
the cool ocean Breezes... and directly ahead over the top of the fenced
and gated grove... is Monserate Mountain named for the Spanish Land Grant
that included all of this area. The community seen in the view here ...
Sycamore Ranch...
is home of the Golf
Club of California. Full Golf and Social Memberships
are available. Standing on the Patios... there are several peeks
of the golf fairways in the distance. Just five miles Due South...
the World Renowned Cal a Vie
Spa... you can take their word that this location is without
peer in the World.
The San
Luis Rey River Park is being created immediately to the South...
and will be a major portion of all future views. This is low density
Rural... and the 2020
Plan is striving to maintain this atmosphere. Click on
the photo above for an exploded view... and the subject property is just
to the North East of the word Fallbrook in the exploded view.

All Spanish Haciendas would have had a swimming hole...
stream... or lake. Rancho
Guajome the historic neighbor down the street on Highway 76
was situated specifically for access to water. Here is the 21st Century
example of the Hacienda has a stunningly private and serene setting for
it's "Swimming Hole". Walled... gated... private... quiet... and
there on the North side of the home... under the door canopy... the private
door access to the master suite. Notice in all of the interior and
exterior photos... there really is not a neighbor in sight! There
are multiple custom pool light systems incorporated into this swimming
hole... that make it the glowing "Crown Jewel" of the flat useable yard
when entertaining on warm Summer eves...
here to visit the Fifth Page of Information on this Lovely Home
This home is offered in Prudential California Realty's
Value Range Marketing. The Seller will Entertain offers in a range
of $1,800,000 to $2,049,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
527 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 071046313
We are also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the
realtors in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties
at Listing
# T07084450 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as Realtor.com
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