Newport Beach Condo for Sale
with Two Master Suites...
This photo was taken about 1:30pm... Friday... August
1st... 2008. Ever been to Balboa on Friday Afternoon... in the Summer?
One block behind where I stood to take this photo was Chaos... Balboa Blvd...
Bumper to Bumper cars... Pedestrian Traffic... Tourist City... about 20%
of the License Plates are Arizona... we call you guys "Zoner's" and love
you :-) Have no idea what you call us when we come to Arizona...
but... this is not Arizona... the reason they are here... this is Weather
Paradise. The people watching... Incredible.
One Block Away... Party City... here... it's quiet. Well not quite...
there are Sea
Gulls ... but you get the idea. Nobody at the Beach runs an AC
unit. Sun goes down... temperature drops like a rock. Open
the bedroom windows... and here... you hear... distant white noise... and
sea breezes. A couple of blocks away... and it is party time every
weekend night... almost year round. Welcome to Orange
County... to Newport
Beach... to Balboa...
Central... but only if you choose...
Here for a Virtual Tour of this Newport Beach Condo for Sale... with Additional
Information & Photos

This is what your "Really the Master" Suite should look
like at the Beach. Yup... it's nicer than the other one... but...
somebody's got to be the lead dog. (Not to be confused with a heavy
metal dog) More Angles... wonderful ceilings... natural light...
and as we move around the room... you again get a feel for the zoning made
possible with the landing... the transitions... and strategic placement
of beautiful doors. The windows were open... the cool air flowing in...
and in spite of a Friday Balboa Afternoon... quiet... serene... and peaceful.
A couple of ideas... lose the laundry basket... hire it done... or just
live in a bathing suit... lose the scale... you can weigh yourself
when you get home.

One of the most common complaints of vacation homes...
not enough storage. Look at these photos... does the home you are
living in have more storage? Probably not. The worst home I've
ever seen... I sold. This one is more fun :-) This is a showcase.
This is Special... and the timing of the decision to sell it is a gift
to some buyer. Just in case the links to the party side of Balboa
is a little too much... there is a wonderful Slower
side of the Peninsula. And there is a Humane
Caring side of the Peninsula as well.

A tree top serene view... a quiet ocean breeze... and
a spotless charming ... spacious and functional Beach Home... sounds good!
I just walked around shooting things that caught my eye... and... obviously...
many did. But that is the point. If you go look at what is
on the market... nothing will compare. And... I'm saving some of
the best for later. Maybe I'm just prejudiced after trying to find
street parking... but the parking for this unit... is really rare!
Wow what a price $799,000
here for another page of Photos and Information on a Newport Beach Condo
for Sale
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 080054579 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at Listing
# T08112381 Also available in SoCal MLS M109900.
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