Newport Beach Condo for Sale
within Walking Distance to the Best of Balboa
What does walking distance mean? I just linked
a site that touted the "Wheel Chair Access" on Balboa. Walk... Chair...
Bike... Segway... Crawl... it means... you don't have to drive. You
do not have to deal with Traffic... unless you want to. It means
Close. It means Convenient. It means you will do more things...
because it is easier. It means less energy use. It means the
car stays in the Garage (and what a garage). It means you can get
some exercise... you can kick up you heels... then crawl home without a
designated walker. What does close to the Bay mean? Not sure
about that... but here is a picture of it.
Here for a Virtual Tour of this Newport Beach Condo for Sale... with Additional
Information & Photos

Looks peaceful doesn't it? It was. But...
not a block away. There are only nine units in the "Plummer Court
Condos"... and they seldom come on the market. I called some friends
in the Newport Prudential California Real Estate Office.... told them I
had a new listing in "Plummer Court"... they said they had never heard
of it. There's a great message in that. Not a coincidence either
that immediately after creating this web site... I am to send it to the
other eight owners. See the Gardener's Pick up Truck in the photo
above on the right. Parked in a red zone... in fact.. part of a red
zone... and partially in front of a garage door. The seller of this
unit is my Brother in Law... I remember one time coming to visit... we
drove around for 15 minutes trying to find a parking space. This
property has some of the best Beach Parking I have ever seen... obviously
for the owner and preferred guests... not relatives :-) By the way...
if you haven't enjoyed any of my humor... you might not like living at
the Beach.

It's cute... It's clean... It's beautifully maintained...
inside and out. It does not have a lot of exterior metal surfaces...
that's a good thing. It's got one of those California Plants that
everyone from Cold Weather States want... the "Bougainvillea"... doesn't
have a palm tree... but there are some right across the street. This
street... is called a "single loaded parking street". Parking is
only allowed on one side of the street... unless in your own drive.
So.. it's quiet. In fact... I could not have possibly staged this...
there is not a soul in sight. Maybe my Cowboy Hat scared them off...
you know... "Look out ... he has a camera". That actually has never
been said in California. So... you cruise 75 yards down the street...
and you are at Newport Bay.

Public Beach... Public Walkways... private docks here...
but one block away... the Balboa Island Ferry. Swim... Fish... Sunbathe...
the people watching is really cool. In the distance.. you can see
the Balboa Pavilion... along the way... the Fun Zone... the Nautical Museum...
Healthy Food... Un-Healthy Food... Cold Beer... Hot Pizza... Scantily clad
people of all ages... ALL AGES... Exotic Cars... Public Parks... Raw Fish...
Cooked Fish... Is that Fish?... Dogs... (Happy Dogs... ever see an unhappy
dog at the Beach?) This is Balboa... how can you not love a place
that has a dance named after it. Why hasn't Big Band come back?
If it did... this might be the spot again.
In any market this is a Choice Property... in this
market it is a Choice to Steal! $799,000
here for another page of Photos and Information on a Newport Beach Condo
for Sale
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 080054579 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at Listing
# T08112381 Also available in SoCal MLS M109900.
This extra effort and marketing investment Doubles Our Exposure on all
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