Newport Beach Condo for Sale
with Incredible Beach Parking....
Quiet off street entry... Garage on the wide Private
Alley behind... nice design. Beautifully maintained... security lighting...
gutters and down spouts... convenient mail access... wide easy stairs...
a fire retardent Composite Shingle Roof... little to rust in the Salt Air...
a lot of thought has gone into this Newport Beach Condo. And... with
a vacation home... even more than a full time residence... you want low
maintenance. You want to go on vacation... not a fix up and maintain
trek. Let's see... would you rather have a paint brush in your hand...
or a glass of wine? Oh yea... this is civilized. Cable Access
to everything... maybe too much in fact. The local bars even have
free Wifi. What's the matter with kids today... who goes to a bar
to look at a computer... but that is for our blog... not this web site.
Here for a Virtual Tour of this Newport Beach Condo for Sale... with Additional
Information & Photos

Yee Haw... (That's an old Balboa expression)... now this
is a garage. At the Beach this is almost unheard of. A Wide
private Alley access... with plenty of turning radius to get that big old
SUV pointed the right way. Electric garage door opener for security...
and convenience... but notice how wide it is. Notice the space on
each side of the vehicles. Notice the full height door... and the
fact that it is full finished. Above... we see the view deck behind
the dining room... and the window over the Kitchen sink. In all of
the exterior photos... the fine care taken by the HOA is evident.
This will not only be a great investment... you will love every minute
of it.

Two real cars... plenty of extra space. The width
available under the staircase to the kitchen allows room for tools... toys...
junk... trash... maybe your own Segway. The depth is really oversized...
with a spacious laundry area in front... then room for the bicycles as
shown... storage shelves... and overhead cabinets. As we suggested
earlier... go look at everything on the market in Balboa... at any price...
and you will begin to get a feel for how special this is... and what a
tremendous value it is... due to the market... the the timing of the current
owner being able to move up and recover what he is giving here.

Ok... you fly into John Wayne... Cab to the Peninsula...
fire up the Hot Rod in the Garage... and party on. Or you drive in
from Arizona... "Zoner's" seem to like to drive over... it's a dry heat
across the Desert you know... then you park in your garage... and party
on. But in other units... like the ones across the street and at
the end of this block... you drive onto the Peninsula... then spend 15-20
minutes... looking for a parking space... then three trips to unload the
car... then you need a shower... it's not a dry heat at the Beach you know.
So... buy this Newport Beach Condo... and in less time than it takes to
find a parking spot... you'll be the one out there on the boat. I
finally have some people in one of the photos. Oh yeh... about a
boat. You can buy this unit for less than a nice boat. Then
you can sell it later for more than you paid for it. (I'm not one
that thinks we are staring at the end of the world). Or you can buy
the boat... and three years later... sell it for less than half what you
paid for it... considering the sale to the the answer to your prayers.
Come on down... the water's fine.
This is really a buy... $799,000
here for another page of Photos and Information on a Newport Beach Condo
for Sale
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 080054579 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at Listing
# T08112381 Also available in SoCal MLS M109900.
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