Well this view can never be compromised. The
hillside below is a green belt... and maintained by the Home Owners Association.
In the distance... Snow capped Mt. Palomar... home of the Mt.
Palomar Observatory. Notice the bird feeders... this is a birder's
paradise. House
Finches... Goldfinches...
Jays... California
Towhees... a half dozen varieties of Humming
Birds... and a regular visitor... Cooper's
Hawks and Red-Tailed
Hawks. Even the Hawks will sit right here on the fence just outside
the family room.... enjoying and sharing the view.
Click Here for a comprehensive Virtual Tour of the Property with much additional

Here in the distance is the Profile of Sleeping
Indian. Whether it's named for a maiden buried in a cave
there... or for the reclining profile suggested by the horizon... it is
a North San Diego County Landmark... and part of the Panoramic Vista.
The second photo above is Mt.
San Jacinto... towering over 10,000 feet above Palm Springs...
and approximately 60 miles distant. The rural nature of San Diego
County is evident in both of these photos... looking North East... toward
Fallbrook. The Patio... family room... living room and Master Suite...
all enjoy these views. This neighborhood is quiet! The streets
curve back around on themselves and are not a shortcut to anyplace else.
While very quiet... the home is just two to three blocks from Walmart...
Market... K-Mart...
Star Mission Theatre... Starbucks...
and one of our favorite Chinese restaurants... Quick
Wok. Less than two miles away is the best Thai Food in
North County... Ocean's

Here we have two more views of the wonderful Family Room...
that enjoys the views above. Because of the open nature of the floor
plan... and the pass throughs... Even the Kitchen... at the rear of the
Family Room can see to the views beyond. The back of the home is
almost True East facing... meaning morning Sun... and Afternoon Shade.
All of the photos on this page were taken mid day in the Middle of Winter...
notice the only snow you see... it on top of the distant mountains.
Oceanside is a community where you could drive to and easily play in the
Snow in the morning... and be at the Beach
Surfing in the Afternoon.

Yes... this is Winter. We have the same four seasons
everyone else does... it just feels differently. I call it Weather
Paradise... and I live just five miles East of here in Rural
Bonsall. Like to Golf? Within 15 minutes Drive...
you can choose between Oceanside
Municipal Golf Course... El
Camino Country Club... Center
City Golf Course... Vista
Valley Country Club... San
Luis Rey Downs Country Club... Castle
Creek Country Club... the Golf
Club of California...or the Fallbrook
Golf Club. Welcome to San Diego County... arguably the
Golf Capital of the World.
here to visit the Third Page of Information on this Lovely Home
Now offered at a fixed price of $460,000 the best
buy today in Oceanside
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
527 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 080049261
We are also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the
realtors in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties
at Listing
# T08100918 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as Realtor.com
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