The rough cut road shown here.. and evident in the
aerial photos as well.. wonders from the North East Corner of the 80.19
Acres... up the hill.. over the canyon where the abandoned Silver Mine
and Claim are found....to the Southwest Corner of the parcel. The
original developer of Atlantis Ranch used the cool mine shaft for a natural
wine cellar. With the exception of the rough cut road and a couple
of cut pads... the 80.19 Acre Parcel is unimproved. Tax parcel 101-311-14-00
is the large parcel in the center of the photo linked here. Bounded
on the West by BLM land.. this will remain a natural paradise.
APN Numbers are links to aerial
view of parcels... from the REDI site at San Diego County.

Architecturally and decor dated.. the home has tons
of potential.. or may be enjoyed with a minimum of changes.. After all
the privacy, seclusion, serenity... and solitude are priceless. This
property is priced to sell... immediately... for truly less than the potential
value of the land alone. The managing partnership has changed their
goals... and while realizing they could put some money into the Ranch..
and easily turn a considerable profit.. they are motivated to sell quickly.
The property was listed in February.. sold in three days.. fell out of
escrow.. sold in one day.. and fell out again. We need a buyer with
the horsepower to buy it and close... and never have we seen a better opportunity
for the right buyer.
If using Netscape, you may "right
click" on any image and "view the image" in a larger format and greater

Tax Parcel 101-311-02-00is
40.24 Acres.. has the residence and Mobile Home and municipal water...
brought in at an expense of over $100,000. Tax parcel 101-311-33-00
is 1/4 mile East of the 40.24 Acre parcel with improvements..
and is bounded on the East by "Calle Roxanne" the street off of "De Luz
Road" that provides access. This third 8.83 Acre parcel.. is an excellent
building site in it's own right. The views above evidence the natural
beauty in every direction.
This home is offered in Prudential California Realty's
Value Range Marketing. The Seller will Entertain offers in a range
of $725,000 to $799,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
523 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS #031010494
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