Sunrise Hills Ranch - Valley Center California
SOLD - Two Offers - Property
had been on the market approximately 5 yrs with 6 other Brokers... fixed
price of $750,000 and no offers. We created this page, featured it
in the International Edition of the Wall Street Journal, (Photo ad with
URL) and had 4 contacts. One from Great Britian, One from Florida, One
from Arizona, and One from Palm Springs. Property sold for $720,000
- to a local buyer, through an agent cooperating through MLS. Our
interested buyer from Palm Springs bought another home in North County
from us for $675,000.. cash. The other three out of area buyers are
still shopping.. with us... If you want these kind of results...CONTACT
Terri and Paul Guess
A Partnership of Artistry, Craftsmanship and Nature
Achieve Serenity and Solitude - Above the Clouds and Crowds
The tough decision with this property is which photo to emphasize.
The photo above is the living room where a trio of thermo-pane wood Sliding
French Doors welcomes visitors from the verandah and opens wide to provide
a cool cross-breeze for the high-ceilinged living room and entry.
Planked oak floors, skylights, clerestory windows, and wrap-around thermal-paned
windows fill the interior with light and warmth. Ceiling fans maintain
an even temperature. The massive fireplace is clad in locally quarried
stone and contains the stone art "Sunrise and Heart" that is the signature
of "Sunrise Hills Ranch".
"Right Click" on smaller photos to view larger image
& more Detail
36 Acres of Income Producing Avocados surround this mountain top Distinctive
Dream Home

3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath, 3200 Sq. Feet, 3 Car Garage, Mt. Top 36 Acre Avocado
Incredible Mt. Vistas, and Horizon Ocean View from Catalina to the Mexican
These terms describe the typical ways we would define the criteria
for what a buyer is looking for in a home but the combination of amenities
is anything but typical. The lifestyle created by the home, setting,
grove, and surrounding views of nature is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity
in San Diego County, offered today at far less than replacement cost.
The combination of events in San Diego County might well be a once in a
lifetime opportunity as well. The outlying rural areas are just now
recovering from a 7 year decline in property values. The economy
is now healthy and coastal properties are selling at record rates and prices.
The chance to purchase a 36 Acre Estate in San Diego's beautiful and exclusive
Valley Center, at the very bottom of the market is found in this property.
sensational sunset, ocean view photo, taken from the West Verandah doesn't
do justice to the real serenity and natural splendor created. This
home defines, living with nature. "Quiet, Serene, Secluded Easy Living"
is how the owner describes the experience. Romantic, Panoramic, Breathtaking
and Awe Inspiring are the descriptions heard from visitors. The retirement
dream home, the home based business setting to conquer the world, the ideal
corporate retreat, or the hideaway fit for a star.. surrounded by stars...
this property offers it all. In fact it offers all of this and More..
Income. 36 Acres of very profitable Agricultural Income.
Summertime, North view from the master suite shows some of the 36 Acres
of Haas Avocados in the foreground. The home sits in the middle of
the parcel and the grove covers the sides of the hilltop location on all
sides. The owners have elected to lease the grove operation to minimize
their involvement. The Leasee of the grove does all maintenance,
watering, pruning, fertilizing, spraying, picking, shipping, and marketing.
The owners do no work and receive 25% of the Net Income. In fiscal
1996 this amounted to $12,340. In fiscal 1997 this amounted to $23,600
and the production is improving. In fiscal 1997 184,713 pounds of
avocados were shipped. Grove Income and Expenses will be provided
to qualified buyers upon request. The current Leasee is interested
in continuing the relationship but of course a new owner could elect to
be more involved in the day to day operation of the Grove.
This home is offer in Prudential California's Value Range Pricing.
The Seller will Entertain offers in a Range of $649,900 to $749,876
For More Information about this home, an Appointment to see the home,
an Explanation of Value Range Pricing, or Information on having your home
featured World Wide on the Internet like this, contact: Terri and
Paul Guess, Associate Brokers, The Prudential CA Realty, 523 Encinitas
Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024 Office (760) 634-4200, FAX
(760) 940-6329, Direct (760) NEW-HOME 630-4663
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