an Equestrian Paradise
Well... if you are looking in Saratoga Estates...
you probably do have a horse... or plans to add one to the family.
And... the horse improvements for this property are as special as the residence
is. Tucked into the hillside behind the home is this wonderful 105'
x 50' Turnout Arena. Flat... well drained decomposed granite... modular
pipe controlled... and around the perimeter of the arena... a sprinkling
system designed to control dust on warm Summer Days. Water and Electric
of course... and hardly a neighbor in site. The lucky horse that
lives here will enjoy weather paradise... and stunning panoramic views.
What if you don't own a horse... picture this as a Vineyard... Grove...
Llama corral... Alpaca corral.. Goat Roping Arena... no mater how you might
use it... it is paradise. Don't see any value in the Trail adds tremendous value... whether you are a horse owner
or not....
here to see a Virtual Tour of this Incredible Re-Build in Spectacular Saratoga

Components are one thing... but design and layout is
primary. The barn and arena are nicely removed from the residence.
Outside the wonderful garage is this large guest parking area... with ample
turn around space for full size trucks... trailers... and RV's. Above
on the hill... a second pad... with more ample turn around and parking
space. Hay delivery... no problem Parking for guest... veterinary...
horse trailer storage... no issues here. And... that brings us to
the New Barn.
how the Trail System adds value... even if you do not own a horse....

A first class 24' x 36' Barnmaster
Shed Row Barn is waiting. If you are new to horses...
you might not yet appreciate... chew proof... Lifetime kick through warranty...
but you would understand... fire retardent... ventilation... shade... safety...
Barnmaster has provided all of this. The barn has two stalls and
a secure tack room... water... electrical... and overhead lighting.
It also has a stunning view... and cool ocean breezes daily. If you've
got your eyes on that John Deere... it's a favored toy of the owner and
does not convey... but we'll point you to the local

Above the Arena... a Grapefruit Grove and assorted family
fruit is found. And... from this vantage point you can see the panorama
of the Bonsall Hills... one of the finest places in the world to relax.
The arena and barn are North of the residence and above... in the front
of the home is over a full acre of fenced and irrigated Pasture and sloping
meadow. Put on your gear... saddle up... enjoy the dedicated trails...
safely... conveniently.... this is why Saratoga
Estates is so Special. San Diego County is Great... Bonsall
is Wonderful... if you want these... and want to enjoy your horse... without
boarding... and without trailering... Here's the place.
This home is offered in Prudential California Realty's
Value Range Marketing. The Seller will Entertain offers in a range
of $1,200,000 to $1,499,876
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
527 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA 92024. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 071008048
We are also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the
realtors in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties
at Listing
# T688068 This extra effort and marketing investment Doubles
Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
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