Valley Furnished Model
A Single Story Tuscan Treasure... but guest access
is through this dramatic two story Clerestory Windowed Elegant Entry.
Classic Old World Stone... wrought iron trim... Massive hand relieved wood
door... and the eye directed to the entry with Professional Landscaping
framing and shaping the experience. Front, Side and rear yards are
on full Sprinklers System and computerized. Drains have been placed
to direct water flow from the gutters and down spouts away from the footprint
of the home. Swail drains have been installed in lower areas of the
flat useable yard... everything for low maintenance has been thought of.
This home is ready for that wet Winter we need. The front walk...
covered patio... drive and courtyard are mixtures of stamped concrete and
textures to please the eye and provide flat easy access. The home
is definitely wheel chair friendly. Wide halls... wide entry doors
and low thresholds... easy to ramp if desired. The beautiful roof...
Mission Tile... and class A Fire Rated. Notice the elegantly charming
old world window shades.
Click Here for a comprehensive Virtual Tour of the Property with much additional

Here we take a close look at the Center of the Universe.
Bright... Cheerful... Sparkling and Impressive. Beauty is what you
see... but this is a fully functional... wonderful working Kitchen.
Counter space... lots of it is one of the first things you notice... and
all of topped with gorgeous slab granite... and back splashed for function.
Lots of light... from wide picture windows... sliding glass door... and
designer fixtures... and Under cabinet task lighting. Broad
band access at the far left end of the wall cabinets creates the
"Command Center". European Style Frameless Cabinetry with Pull out
pots and pans drawers... adjustable shelves... the center island storage...
just the sheer number of wall and base cabinets combine to insure storage
for every needed utensil. Stainless Steel General Electric Appliances...
including a five
burner 36" cook top... 30"
Double Ovens... separate wall hung Microwave...
Compactor and Dishwasher... round out the package. Bring
on the Chef...

The Family Sized through the door Ice and Water... Stainless
Steel General Electric Monogram Refrigerator dominates these
two photos... but notice that quaint Glass doored entry to the huge Pantry.
You can't make full use of this type of kitchen without supplies... and
here is walk in access to the Storage Space for all the Supplies you could
need. Spacious... shelved... well lit... you will find easily whatever
secret ingredient your recipe calls for. Notice some well thought
out details... the return under the center island... making the perfect
casual eating bar. Extra storage thoughts... like the space above
the Refrigerator... usually going to waste. The layout... where you
have counter space next to the Microwave... and just across the space for
the ovens to open... staging space on the center island. The Gourmet
sink and fixtures in the center island will mean the chef misses none of
the goings on in the wonderful great room.

Here we see the heart of this wonderful floor plan.
The Fireplace Centered... Center Courtyard. The Great room... the
entry Hall... the Formal Dining Room and the Formal Living Room each have
double French Doors into this beautiful space. In Weather Paradise
Valley Center... these doors will be open and the courtyard will be the
open air center of the experience... year round. The second photo
above... is the charming Office... Den... Study... just inside the Entry.
This beautiful space is elegantly finished with Designer Carpet... crisp
Crown Moldings... wainscoting... an electrically controlled wall mounted
cozy fireplace... stunning window coverings... and enjoys views to the
front of the home... and into the spectacular courtyard.
here to visit the Fourth Page of Information on this Lovely Home
Offered at less than replacement costs... $850,000
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential California Realty.
7030 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Phone: (760)NEW-HOME
(639-4663) or FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through
the San Diego County Association of Realtors MLS Number 090011959
We are also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the
realtors in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties
# T09023195 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as Realtor.com.
California Brokers Lic # 01127312
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