Valley Center Land for Sale
20.12 Acres of Mt. Top Paradise

Here we see Ridge Ranch
Mountain... and now you can own the top of Ridge Ranch.... a 20.12 Acre rambling
parcel with over 300 Citrus Trees... miles of multi-use trails... and an
approximate 1.5 Acre Flat useable building pad that is the top of the Mt.
This amazing building site is the most impressive value we have offered in 25
years in the business in two states. Priced today unbelievably at $530,000
... it was appraised recently at $1,300,000 and was in escrow in 2007
for $1,200,000... but the seller's loss is your gain. This iconic
location... looming over North Escondido and South
Valley Center is one of the
finest gated prestige communities in Southern California. At 1925' of
elevation... the panoramic views are truly stunning... and truly 360 degrees of
views... The address (not US Post Office issued) has been created to assist in
online mapping. Most GPS systems will map
14234 Ridge Ranch Road right to
the last fork that leads to the current private gated drive.
We have just reduced the price of this property... it was
recently appraised at $1,300,000... was in Escrow at $1,200,000 and now
unbelievably priced at $530,000... this is going to sell immediately!

The closer view above.. shows the flat cut that is the South Perimeter
of the 1.5 Acre Pad. The aerial view next... with the plat
overlaid shows the parcel number
190-010-47-00 (if you follow that link... have some fun with that
Sandag Site) and has
the parcel highlighted in yellow.
The Valley Center Water District
tank is well below the pad... and screened from view from the pad.
Ample water pressure... fire safety... and ergonomics have all been
taken into consideration. If you look closely in the Cloud
Shrouded photo of the pad cut... you can see a mature
Golden Eagle...
working the hillside. This 20 Acres of Natural Paradise will stun
you with it's beauty and access to Nature. This is a
Paradise... with noise pollution led by the daily calls of
Birds of
Prey. In the aerial view above... you can make out too... the
miles of multi-use trails. These old grove roads wrap around the
top of the mountain and having been cleared... create wide... gentle
sloped trails... for hiking... horse back riding... and access to nature
and more views.

Here we see the same Mt. Top Pad cut... but... from the
North ... taken from below in Valley Center. The
Oak Trees clustered at
the top of the Mt... are on the North Perimeter of the 1.5 Acre Pad... and the
views from this spot... with it's romantic park bench... will be shown shortly.
Far above the
New Valley Center Road.... Road noise will not be an issue.
Owls will...
Hawks will....
Kites will... and
Coyotes will. While the
areas below are
inland Valleys
(Zone 21)... and subject to warmer Summer weather... the
Mt. Top enjoys a straight shot to
Ocean Horizon Views... and cooling daily Ocean
Breezes. The neighborhood... Ridge Ranch... is gated... and structured
with CC&R's to assure appreciation. This site proves the old adage of
Location... Location... Location. And offered in this market... is proof
that now is the time to buy in
San Diego County. Seldom do these
Mt. Top
Locations become available... and in 25 years as a broker in two states... we
have never offered a finer building site... and certainly not any priced as
The attractive paved drive show above is a neighbors
driveway to the West... and the entire hillside shown in the background is part
of the subject parcel. The Private Roads in Ridge Ranch have been
beautifully designed and maintained. This is a neighborhood that oozed
pride of ownership. You can build the finest of mansions on this parcel...
and not be overbuilt for the community. The other aerial view
of Google) shows the triangular shaped pad centered in the photo... with the
circular water tank to the Southeast... below the pad and out of line of site.
Adjacent parcels have
Citrus Groves...
Avocado Groves... and
Vineyards. As
you wind up the hill from the impressive Gated Entry... this shot over the
neighbors drive is one of the first sights you have of the subject parcel... the
one right up there on top!
Click Here to
go to the next page of information about Valley Center Land for Sale
Now Incredibly Priced at $500,000.... Amazing Value
To have value range marketing explained, make an appointment to view
the home, or have your home featured on the internet in this manner, contact:
and Paul Guess , Associate Brokers, Prudential
California Realty. 527
Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas, CA92024.
Phone: (760)NEW-HOME (639-4663) or
FAX (760)940-6329 This home is offered through the San Diego County
Association of Realtors MLS Number 090009878 We are
also Members in MRMLS and our listings are exposed to all of the realtors
in Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles Counties at
# T09019240 This extra effort and marketing investment
Doubles Our Exposure on all subscribing sites such as
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